Optimize your contractual processes

Manage your contracts efficiently, throughout their lifecycle
Centralize, automate, collaborate, analyze… to reduce risks and control costs

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Contract management (CLM)

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Integrating a CLM software solution offers a considerable strategic advantage for companies of all sizes and in all sectors. This powerful, versatile technology simplifies the entire contract management process: from initial negotiation to signature, execution and follow-up, not forgetting the management of renewals and terminations.

CLM thus enables organizations to maximize the value of their contractual commitments while reducing potential risks.

Centralization and automation

A CLM solution lets you store and manage all contracts in one place, providing a centralized overview of the contract portfolio. This facilitates content search, access management and contract monitoring (event alerts), and reduces the risk of important documents being lost or forgotten.

By automating contract-related tasks and processes, CLMsaves time and reduces manual errors. Features such as contract template creation, renewal reminders, validation workflows and automatic notifications help speed up and simplify contract management processes.

Better risk management

A CLM solution enables you to better manage the risks associated with your contracts. It can include features such as predefined clauses and contract templates that comply with current regulations, helping to reduce the risk of non-compliance or litigation.
Consistency in the terminology and phraseology used in your contracts is important. Any deviation from standardized formulations can lead to risk or confusion.
If you can’t check the accuracy of the wording of your contracts, or spot any observable differences from one contract to the next, you run the risk of having to systematically involve your lawyers. Such inconsistencies can also lead to non-compliance or loss of earnings.

What’s more, by providing better visibility of contractual clauses, deadlines and obligations, a CLM solution enables more informed decision-making and reduces operational risks.

Develop collaboration!

CLM solutions facilitate collaboration between the various stakeholders involved in the contract management process.

They enable secure sharing of contracts, comments and modifications, facilitating communication and coordination between legal teams, sales departments, suppliers and customers.

Optimizing financial performance

Thanks to more efficient contract management, you can identify opportunities for savings and advantageous renegotiations with suppliers or customers. CLM also makes it easier to track payments, tariff clauses and renewals, contributing to better financial planning.

Monitoring & Analysis

A CLM solution offers advanced monitoring and reporting functions.

It enables you to monitor contract status, deadlines, obligations and performance. This information can be used to assess supplier performance, negotiate better contract terms and make data-driven strategic decisions.

Customized support in selecting and integrating your contract management solution

Our consulting firm is made up of a team of consultants with significant experience in deploying CLM solutions. Our team will support you throughout the integration project, to ensure that you achieve your objectives in terms of risk management and operational efficiency.

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Answers from an expert in Quote-to-Cash solutions


Welcome to our FAQ section dedicated to CLM solutions. Here you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the life cycle from configuration to collection and renewal.

Integrating a CLM software solution can significantly improve contract management by eliminating manual processes, reducing errors, speeding up negotiation cycles and optimizing collaboration between internal and external stakeholders.
This helps increase your company’s efficiency, productivity and profitability.

A complete CLM solution must offer a number of essential functions to optimize contract management:

  • workflow automation, which speeds up contract creation, negotiation and execution.
  • management of contractual obligations, enabling us to monitor and meet contractual commitments. An advanced search and filter function is also crucial for rapid access to relevant contractual information.
  • deadline monitoring
  • version management to ensure a complete history of contract modifications.
  • data security and access authorizations to protect sensitive information.
  • integration with other systems, such as CRM or ERP, to facilitate data consistency and internal collaboration.
  • a user-friendly interface and intuitive user experience to facilitate its adoption by users.

Discover the Conga CLM solution

CLM improves regulatory compliance by ensuring rigorous contract management. It identifies and monitors contractual clauses linked to legal obligations and specific standards. With complete visibility over all contracts, you can ensure that contractual commitments comply with current legal requirements. What’s more, CLM makes it easy to update contracts in the event of regulatory change, add compliance clauses and trigger alerts for important deadlines. By centralizing all information, the CLM helps companies to avoid the risks of non-compliance, reduce the costs associated with regulatory violations and maintain an exemplary reputation for compliance with stakeholders and the relevant authorities.

Most CLM solutions are designed to be compatible with existing business systems and software: ERP, CRM, management systems, etc. These solutions are equipped with connectors and APIs to facilitate integration without disrupting the operation of other systems.
Despite this compatibility, setting up these connectors can be tricky. It is therefore preferable to entrust integration to an integrator such as ITCelerator. Our consultants have the technical expertise to ensure smooth, secure integration.

Our expertise


Save time and close contracts faster – while improving compliance and visibility – with Conga’s contract lifecycle management solutions.

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CONGA Quote-to-Cash

Conga generates predictable revenues by aligning processes, teams and technology with a unified data model throughout the revenue lifecycle.

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Automatic document generation

Automate the document creation process!

Document generation, or “DocGen” in English, enables automatic generation of documents such as contracts, reports, proposals, invoices, and other types of commercial or institutional documents to gain in productivity, accuracy and efficiency.

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